God put us together for a reason

God knows what he is doing when he puts two people together. Just remember he is always in control and has a plan!

Friday, July 30, 2010

New bonnett

Dalila got a few new bonnetts from the Fort in Fort Davis. She went there with her cousins and grandparents for the day and had so much fun. Thanks Nana and Pop.

She is so smiley sometimes, well all the time really

Here are few other pictures from her week

Friday, July 23, 2010

Snake farm number 2

Well, last night, Dalila, Logan and I spent awhile outside walking around and playing with the dogs. It was a lot of fun and so peaceful. Well, we went in, had dinner and put Dally (nickname) to bed. I was taking a shower and all of a sudden I hear these load gunshots (we live about 15 miles from any kind of civilization and the closest civilization is a town of about 100 people. So.....) I hurry up and finish the shower, get dressed and come out of the bathroom to find poor sheriff (our oldest and fatest dog) trembling in the living room and the front door wide open. So I run outside to see what is happening and logan is half way underneath the house with his gun and a shovel. He told me there had been a huge rattle snake in the dog kennel. He was able to shot it but it slittered under the house before it died. He evetually got it out. So of course, like idiots, we are standing out side in our pajamas in the dark looking at a dead snake. Anyways, as we are walking back in the house, it hits me!!!!!!! We had been out there playing with Dally all evening and there was a huge snake there!!!!!!!!!!!! But we were all unharmed as well as the dogs. Oh, and trying to get Sheriff back outside took an act of God. But he finally went after being drug across the floor leaving some very lovely scratches. Poor guy. Hope you enjoyed this little story about a day in the life of the Lair's. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

A day with Wyatt

Ok, these photos do not tell the whole story. Dalila recently got to spend the day with her friend Wyatt. In the pictures, it seems as though they were having a great time playing together. However, these were taken about 15 minutes before I picked her up. Apparently Dalila spent most of the day being, well, "a WOMEN". She would fuss at Wyatt and all he wanted to do was play or love on her. I do not know where she got the attitude but it wasn't me!!!!!!! Anyways, we had to have a little talk about the attitude that night and she is anxious to see her friend again to show him that she can be nice. Hoep you enjoy these pictures curtiousy of Kari!! thank you aunt Kari for letting me play at your house. Love Dalila

Just some fun photos

I wanted to post these photos. Just fun stuff we have been up to over the summer. Hope you are enjoying your summer.

Watching Daddy

We spent sometime a few weeks ago hanging out at the District horse show watching daddy work. These were a few cute pictures I got of Dalila

Here was daddy. We kept catching him watching us and not the cattle he was supposed to be holding. We love him so much.