God put us together for a reason

God knows what he is doing when he puts two people together. Just remember he is always in control and has a plan!

Friday, July 17, 2009

29 weeks

Well, I am 29 weeks now. I have been increasingly tired but for the most part doing well. The baby moves a lot and I can feel that she has gotten a whole lot bigger. Logan likes to feel my belly and try to guess where she is at and if he is touching her head or feet or hand. The other night, he had his hand on my belly and she would just kick and play right where his hand was. It was so cute. Logan said they were playing together. I love that thought. We try to read tp her everynight before we go to bed. It has been a really fun bonding time for the three of us.

We recently celebrated our anniversary and it was great. We have been married four years and feel so blessed to have each other. It is funny to think about all that we have been through together. I know we were made specially for each other. No one else understands our jokes, signals, comments, or feelings towards each other. He is my best friend and if I had to go through life with out him, I do not think I could make it. We are not perfect and we both have things in our life to work on but toegther is where we belong and I love him so much.

So I guess thanks goes to God for putting us together and giving us the special gift of our sweet little girl

I promise some pictures are on the way. I was having trouble with the computer and could not get them loaded. I will keep trying.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

6 months ( 25 weeks )

Okay, I was a little messed up on my weeks and thought I was further along than I was. But Friday was 25 weeks ( 6 months as of tommorow July 9th). We had our doctor's visit on Thursday July 2nd. Everything was good. The messurment was 26 CM and Dr. George said that is right where I am supposed to be. My wieght gain is good also. I have gained a total of 10 pounds and he said it may start to increase more now because the baby is doing a lot of growing at this point. Her heart rate was 140 beats and that is normal also. She was being a little rascal though and kept moving and Dr. George would have to reposition the probe and try again. Silly girl. Next month will be the dreaded glucose test and then after that, I will be visiting the Doctor every two weeks!!!! That is scary because that means we are getting closer.

I have been experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions a lot more now. They aren't bad just uncomfortable. Dr. George assured me that this is all normal and that they are a good thing so, I guess I have to deal with it. We will be checking in at the hospital at 30 weeks and getting all our paperwork done and ready to go. We will also get to tour the facility and see where the miracle will take place. This is exciting but yet again very scary.

So I guess that is all I have for now. Please check in soon for some pictures that really need to be loaded. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Love you all!!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Today is Logan's birthday. We are off to the doctor this afternoon and then we will be having friends over this evening for King Ranch Chicken and Cake. On the fourth we will be in Marathon for the Fourth of July Dance. We can't wait. Logan, hope your birthday is wonderful and I love you!!!!

I have lots of picture to post and will do that very soon I promise.